CHIO Aachen (Concours Hippique International Officiel) is a renowned international horse show that takes place every year in the German city of Aachen. It is considered one of the most important horse shows in the world. The CHIO Aachen spans several days and includes various equestrian disciplines, including show jumping, dressage, eventing and driving. It attracts the best riders, drivers and vaulters from all over the world and offers them the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in front of a large crowd of spectators.
The shuttle from the parking lot to the CHIO grounds
ASEAG provides additional shuttle buses on all tournament days to transport equestrian enthusiasts quickly and efficiently to and from the tournament. These special shuttle services operate on two different routes starting one hour before the start of the event: The City Shuttle, also known as the "C-Shuttle", as well as line 51, connect the Aachen Bus Station (stop 4) with the show grounds (stop "Sportpark Soers").
Furthermore, the "A-Shuttle" runs between the parking lots of APAG at Grüner Weg and the show grounds. Furthermore, there is a connection between the Aachen main station (stop 2) and the show grounds. The C-Shuttle offers a direct connection to the show grounds. In addition, it is possible to take lines 1, 11, 14, 21, 44, 46 and SB 63 from the main train station to the Aachen bus station and change there to line 51 or the C-Shuttle to get to the "C-Shuttle" stop.